General Dentistry is a branch of dentistry focused on maintaining the overall health of the teeth, gums, and mouth. Our team of experienced general dentists provides a wide range of services to keep your oral health in optimal condition.

Our General Dentistry Treatments Include

  • Fillings: Fillings are used to repair cavities and restore the function and appearance of the teeth. Our general dentists use a variety of materials, including tooth-colored filling/white filings, to provide the highest quality results.
  • Crowns: Crowns are custom-made to fit over a damaged or decayed tooth, improving both its appearance and function. Our general dentists use materials that are safe and effective, ensuring the highest quality results.
  • Bridges: Bridges are used to replace missing teeth and restore the appearance and function of the mouth. Our general dentists use advanced techniques and materials to provide the highest quality results.
  • Implants: Implants are a long-lasting and natural-looking solution to replace missing teeth. Our general dentists use advanced techniques and materials to provide the highest quality results.
  • Dentures: Dentures are a removable solution for missing teeth. Our general dentists offer a range of options, including full and partial dentures, to suit each patient’s individual needs and goals.
  • Extractions: Extractions may be necessary for teeth that are severely damaged or decayed. Our general dentists use a gentle approach and advanced technology to ensure the procedure is as comfortable as possible.
  • Root Canal Therapy: Root canal therapy is a procedure used to save a damaged or infected tooth. Our general dentists use advanced techniques and technology to provide the highest quality results.
  • Periodontal Therapy: Periodontal therapy is a treatment for gum disease. Our general dentists use a range of techniques, including scaling and root planing, to keep the gums healthy and prevent the onset of gum disease.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference of comprehensive general dental care.